The city of Eugene, Oregon has something about it that I really like a lot. It just seems to have a very relaxed feel to it and a lot of great attitudes, as well as delicious food. We got to town a few hours early, so we walked about a great area filled with a bunch of cool bookstores, coffee shops, etc. Then Chris and I ate some fantastic pizza and soup at Cosmic Pizza (if you are ever in Eugene, check this place out, they have great vegan pizza) before the show. Playing the show felt exceptionally good tonight, due in no small part to the fact that we had one of the most skilled and attentive sound engineers of the tour (something that I REALLY appreciate but is often overlooked). We met a very nice woman named Leslie who invited us to stay at her house with her 4-year-old son Eden and roommate Rachel, who all treated us great (Rachel even gave Chris and I her bed, while she slept downstairs in another bed). In the morning, we found out that Leslie very lovingly raises chickens in her backyard, so we got to eat the freshest and most cruelty-free eggs that I've ever had in my life. These were absolutely delicious, and made me really wish that I had a backyard so that I could raise my own chickens. I also got to participate in an intense lightsaber battle with Eden before we hit the road.

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