Woke up early enough to do some laundry (been going without underwear for a couple days at this point) and grocery shopping for some healthier lunch options (contrary to what my 6 year old self would have told you, it turns out that eating peanut butter and jelly gets less appetizing by the day). After these tasks were completed, we took off toward our nation's capital (for all the toddlers that subscribe to my blog, this means Washington, DC), where we met up with a fellow Iowa native and good friend of Nate and Kate named Tushar. He was nice enough to take us on a tour of the beautiful BBC America television studio where he works. This was a lot of fun, as you will see in the photos below. I'm going to start a new paragraph for the next major event of our day, since it has the opposite tone of the fun half of our day.
For all of the restored faith in humanity that I've gained on the tour so far, it should have come as no surprise that the following would happen and bring me back to reality. Sometime around midnight, I walked the block to our car so I could bring it back and load our equipment into it. As I neared the vehicle, I noticed that one of our windows had been broken out, and upon further inspection found that Nates backpack containing his laptop and numerous other items of personal value had been stolen. Thank you Washington DC for living up to your reputation! Luckily, I am travelling with a very level-headed, rational group of individuals, so we were able to remain calm and put some plastic over our window and get to a hotel outside of town where we would fix the car in the morning and continue on our way. The scum of the world will not take us out of this ballgame quite so easily.

Washington DC subway

You look great behind a desk. Just think - you could be the next John Bachman. Or even better - Chris Hansen! Think about it.