NEW YORK CITYYYY!!!! Holy shit, seriously couldn't imagine a more perfect day on this tour. This was a complete affirmation of why I would ever want to play music and drive around in a cramped vehicle every day to do it. We rolled into the city in the afternoon, and everybody was instantly in a great mood and full of energy. After loading into the venue, they informed us that there were 20 tickets left for the show tonight, so it was definitely going to be sold out. Fantastic. So then, we decided to have a large group dinner with Leslie and the Lys at an amazing all-vegetarian Vietnamese restaurant (made me think of A-Dong, which made me miss home a little!). Also fantasic. After dinner, a few of us stopped to have a few drinks at a nearby bar littered with dogs (everybody takes their dogs inside places in New York, which was awesome!), where we met up with our long lost saxaphone player and Ames friends that had flown out for the show. Then we played to a tightly-packed, highly energized crowd that was going insane and loving it (when Leslie took the stage after us, people were screaming so loud that it was close to drowning out the music). After this perfect show, we found out that the bars are open until 4am, so naturally we took full advantage of this and went out to another bar for some pool and dancing. So we closed down this place, got some late night pizza, and walked back to the hotel that our Iowa pals were staying at and filled the room with 9 sleeping bodies (7 people on two queen-sized beds pushed together, and 2 on the floor). Please don't show this blog to the management of Hotel 91 in China Town.

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